Zoo Lake Croquet Club

Playing Times:


Zoo Lake plays on 1st Saturday in the month from 13:30. EVERYONE WELCOME
Monday and Sundays days by arrangement. Come and support us and play
For more information ring Maria 082 852 3850 or the above.

The John Rowlands Trophy

This was started in 2009 in memory of John Rowlands who died after a long illness. He joined the Club in 2002 soon after it started at the Zoo Lake, having played the game as a student in Oxford University, in England.

John became very involved in the running of Zoo Lake Club and his memory lingers on.


In 2009 Christine Wakeham was first the winner of the impressive trophy donated by his widow Una and daughter Sarah.



In 2010 Anne Weiss was the winner.
The tournament is played using the Zoo Lake Irish rules which provide a different challenge to the normal Golf or Association played in Gauteng.



We all wore green and were entertained with limericks.
Mark Corcoran took the honours, it was a pleasure having someone from Zoo Lake win it.




The food was marvellous and the company outstanding. It was won by Jessie from Golden Mallets.

This year the Limerricks were very special and we thought they should be shared.
Here they are with thanks to Mike Corcoran and Marilyn Grootes.

Croquet’s a competitive sport 
There’s one thing I’d like to report 
We’d all like to win 
But now and again 
The score can be seven to nought

There once was a cripple
Very fond of a tipple
And croquet was his favourite sport
But his legs were so sore
He could croquet no more
And sought solace in Guinness and Port

When playing croquet
On a really hot day
It’s wise to wear whites and a hat
To be doubly sure
Your skin doesn’t get sore
Use sun block and that will be that

There was a rich lord with a valet
Who looked over the fair Noordhoek valley
When we staged the World Cup
He was asked to cough up
But said that’s neither my wick nor my baili

Victor Dladla for those in the know
Hits his balls very hard, fast and low
But when needs they dictate
He can play quite sedate
And roll balls through the hoop just like so

If you’ve ever seen Reg Bamford play
You’ve seen one of the greats of croquet
Skill and tactics sublime
He’ll leave time after time
His opponents in complete disarray

Chris and Christine as oft can be seen
Get a peck on the cheek for a win
If they lose it’s no sin
And is born with a grin
But they peck on like they were fifteen

Christine and Chris share a life full of bliss
And they partner each other at croquet
They disport on the lawn
Wearing white or pale fawn
And at running the hoops are quite OK

A fine lady player is Jean
At croquet she’s often seen
Lining up for a shot
Running hoops when she’s hot
When missing she might vent her spleen

There was a young man called Neil
Found croquet had an appeal
He practised for hours
Perspired and took showers
Till satisfied he’d got the feel

Alan and Liz from their club don’t live far
Liz often walks, Alan drives a ‘smart’ car
On the lawns they compete
In shoes or bare feet
As they strive to get down to par

Alfred, Meshack, Victor, Peter and Tom
Show that this game cares not where you’re from
We oft stand in awe
Open mouthed, slack of jaw
They play croquet with such skill and aplomb

Two Zulus saw croquet one day
And asked “Do you mind if we play?”
They took the sport up
And have won many a cup
And are champions in every which way

We once knew a man called Laughton
And croquet with him had just caught on
But he gave up the game
After he became lame
When he fell off his 500 Norton

There was a young lady called Claire
Whose hair and complexion were fair
She went to a wedding
Sat next to John Hedding
And decided to take it from there

We wish our friend Hansie the best
He’s served croquet with vigour and zest
A master baker by trade
Tons of biscuits he’s made
For our players a delight to digest

Chris Meintjies and Jo to strange places did go
With their entourage packed into a ‘Landy’
In their book they relate
Many dices with fate
At surviving they must be quite handy

Whene’er we compete at Zoo Lake
It’s quite nice to have biscuits and cake
But before this sweet treat
It’s nice to braai meat
And eat salads for goodness sake

Meiert and Marilyn Grootes
Wanted to name their son Brutus
But a voice down from Heaven
Said you must name him Stephen
Now they think that that name’s the cutest

There was a young lady called Una
Who drank from a glass called a schooner
With her mind in a muddle
She slipped in a puddle
And got home much later than sooner

Croquet has caught on with the Weisses
It’s now one of their indulgent vices
They’d get up at dawn
To be out on the lawn
If left to their own devices

At our Champs was a vast improved player
By the name of Maria Watermeyer
Her game was electric
And sometimes quite hectic
She’s now known as the low handicap slayer

Henry and Maria
To each other are so dear
But croquet has caused such a rumpus
They argue and shout
“Yes it’s through!” “No it’s not!”
Like a brouhaha on a campus

There’s a very prim lady called Heidi
Well turned out and dressed rather tidy
She’s bought a new mallet
At great cost to her wallet
And is out on the lawns every Friday

A player of note is Dave Paton
The lawn he is sometimes quite late on
But to make up for lost time
(And to finish this rhyme)
We urge him to hurry his gait on

A young man called Mark
Likes to be out in the park
Hitting balls with a mallet through hoops
But he’s 6 ft plus tall
His mallet’s quite small
So addressing the ball he just stoops

Derek married a Greek girl called Greta
And allowed naught in the world to upset her
Making salad one day
His thoughts went astray
He used cheddar instead of Greek feta

We all admire Doc David Paton
He’s far better at lovin’ than hatin’
When he lines up his balls
The crowd he enthralls
But his partners he often keeps waitin’


We had a super day


As Zoo Lake was temporary closed The Golden Mallets invited us to hold our competition at the Club in Hilson Park.

What a Pleasant day was had by all;- The view of Johannesburg in the distance,
With the African sun that never lets us down. The braai of hamburger and borewors rolls. Chocolate cake and teas available all day.

Contact Details:

Contact: Maria Watermeyer (Organiser/Secretary)
Tel: +27 (0)11 882-7251 / +27 (0)82 852-3850
E-mail: zlcc@croquet.org.za
Address: Off Jan Smuts Avenue , Prince of Wales Drive, Parkview